“The best investment is in people. The best investment is to create opportunities”
Pope Francis
Pope Benedict XVI, in the Encyclical Letter "Caritas in Veritate" (2009),
underlined six main values that are inspiring the work of ELBA:
1. The man and not money should be at the center of the economic action
2. The poor, the socially excluded, are to be considered a resource, even from the economical point of view, and not a "burden"
3. The ties of friendship, sociability and solidarity are possible even within the economic activity, and not only "outside" of it or "after" it
4. There is enough space for the economic activities ruled by different principles, which are not only profit and money accumulation
5. The enterprise is an organization that responds not only to those who invest in it, but also it tends to achieve a social aim: it entails responsibilities toward its own workers, suppliers, consumers, environment and surrounding society.
6. There are the profit and nonprofit sectors, but it is also emerging a wide intermediate area between them. That is the one using the profit as an instrument for pursuing social objectives.